A likes to sing these days. Favorites include "ABCD," (it stops there EVERY. TIME.) and the new "Row, Row, Row your boat," complete with rowing hand gestures. He still sings Happy Birthday to YOU (emphasis on the YOU) to us often.
This will be A's last week at daycare for the year. We are working working working on his BIG BOY ROOM this week, so decided to keep him in despite our being home.
I picked this bedding:
And the walls will be from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse collection:
It just happened to be the exact color palette I was looking for. My hope is that this room will be one that A can grow into and will take him well into his teen years, with some slight changes.
I am nervous about taking A out of daycare. I'm worried that we will bore him all day long (without the daily interactions with kids, tons of toys, and outdoor equipment), but also concerned about how going BACK will be, after my friend Lauren told me some horror stories about her son's second September at school. I actually think we'll do well with the entertainment factor, since A has been signed up for swimming lessons AND a gym class once a week. We also plan to take trips here there and everywhere, so we're going to have a lot of fun this summer!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Posted by
12:06 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009
I did this once before; lookit!
title="Wordle: Untitled"> src="http://www.wordle.net/thumb/wrdl/962889/Untitled"
alt="Wordle: Untitled"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">
Posted by
4:42 PM
"You can take him anywhere."
We've been to some big family events in the past week. First, we went to Uncle Mike's funeral. On Monday night, A was exceptionally well behaved at the wake, but on Tuesday, EVERYONE commented on his excellent behavior ALL day. He was excellent during the church service (even when Mommy got up to do a reading), at the cemetery (although he did loudly proclaimed he had to go poopy), and at the reception afterward. In fact, several people mentioned that he really could "go anywhere," and one couple said they hope their child (to be conceived) is like him.
Then, this weekend, we drove out to Punsutawney, which is about a 6 hour drive. He was so unbelievably good for both the trip out and the trip home. He also was very good at the family party AND at the after party (which had him up at least 2 hours beyond bedtime). This kid is truly one well behaved boy... we are so fortunate.
As an aside, one of the cousins told us we should have 12 more, since we make such nice looking babies.
Posted by
10:33 AM
Picture recap
A trip to see Grampy and Grammi. A's first boat ride of the season. He even drove the boat! June 6, 2009
A got to try ribs for the very first time. He LOVED them! June 9, 2009
A got to go to see his friends at H's pool. He was very hesitant to go into the pool, but eventually did. It was so much fun seeing them after so long! June 13, 2009
We took a trip to our new favorite park, Duke Island Park in Bridgewater. We went for a really long walk, saw a waterfall, and saw LOTS of people! June 14, 2009
Being silly with Daddy, A made SOCK puppets. June 17, 2009
Playing blocks with Grammi! June 19, 2009
A put on Daddy's shoes and walked around (a little). June 19, 2009
Mommy wanted to do so things on the computer, and so A wanted to as well. June 21, 2009
Posted by
9:59 AM
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Happy birthday!
We were eating lunch today when, for no apparent reason, A started singing:
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you.
Posted by
1:04 PM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My boy...
A is one funny dude. Probably only to me, but he makes me laugh.
First up, he's Mommy's little parrot, as I said. I took full advantage of this and taught him to "Make em say UH!" If I raise my hands to say "UH," so does A. Hilarious. I also taught him "Ain't Nuthin but a G Thing, BABY," but we only got the Baby part... perfect intonation though!
When we went to Picture People for his pictures, we rode the escalator and A tried repeating the word. It was very funny to hear "esssssssssssssssscalador."
"What's that?" has become a new game. I didn't know what to do this morning when he asked it about the "Zelf Up on the shelf." What the heck is a Zelf? But I figured he's never going to run into one in real life, so what's the harm. My first reaction was "It's made up," which of course, he repeated.
His hugs and kisses continue to be the best, especially now that he actually puckers up. He wants to "hug! hug!" Mitten and/or Catcher every morning and night when we say good morning or good night. Mitten tolerates, but Catcher runs at any A approach.
A loves all things that GO, but especially airplanes and trains. Any loud noise or siren will have him saying "Firetruck!"
Pictures from our fun day with Grammy and Grampy coming soon!
Posted by
1:34 PM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Forgot to mention
I'm not sure how, but I forgot to mention that...
Well, maybe I'm being a little on the exuberant side here, and stretching the truth JUST a smidge, but he can, in order, name the numbers from 1-5, and can repeat 6-10. He can also do many of the numbers when counting by 10s to 100.
I'm counting every freaking thing I encounter when I'm with him (and sometimes when I'm not).
Posted by
8:50 AM