Now that A can pull to standing, bathtime has become quite an adventure. After one bath time of allowing him to play, which resulted in him not only standing up (I was nervous he would slip), but also him CLIMBING OUT OF THE TUB, bathtime no longer equals playtime.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Mommy and Daddy are FUN!
This week, A and I went to a pool party playdate, and then the three of us went to Boro Kid Zone for some crawling FUN!
Here are some pictures!
And here's yesterday at Kid Zone
More to come soon!
Posted by
7:22 AM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Head Butt!
A head butts (gently!)... I think it's a show of affection. Think Coneheads, not that crazy soccer player.
Anyway, he does it to M and I all the time. The other day, he did it to Mitten--so cute! And he met a new friend yesterday and did it to her.
Posted by
7:10 AM
Monday, June 23, 2008
More trip pics
Sick of dorm food (and bad dorm food at that), we went to a brewery in town for dinner one night. It was a great time--the beer was fantastic, the food was good, and the atmosphere on the town square was fabulous too!
These are from my trip to Rocky Mountain National Park. We started below the tree level, then went up to the tundra.
Here's what the sign in the above picture said... (the problem with a fancy camera is that others don't know how to use it to take YOUR picture!
Posted by
9:30 AM
Friday, June 20, 2008
Ignoring the instructions that read "Remove after baby is 5 months old," A still has his rainforest mobile on his crib.
Lately, he has been turning it on when he wakes up. It's funny because it's ALWAYS the Rainforest sounds, which is the top button. Never the lullaby Bach, Mozart, or Beethoven!
Posted by
12:06 PM
A and MaMa
Before I left for Colorado, A and I met Girlfriend, Best Bud, and their moms at Long Branch boardwalk.
I haven't yet uploaded our pictures (mostly because A kept crawling away), Best Bud's mom sent me a few.
Posted by
12:03 PM
Pictures from my trip!
But first, a picture of A from before I left. No denying that he looks like Mommy...
The view walking from dorm to where we graded:
A clearer day, the walk from dorm to student center...
A is waking, so more later!
Posted by
7:47 AM
YAY, home!
I ended up flying standby for the very first time. I got up very early and took the bus to the airport in the hopes of taking an earlier flight. It worked, and I got home around 4:30!
Although I was so thrilled to see my boys, A was not very happy to see me. I'm not sure if he didn't recognize me or if he just at that moment realized that I hadn't been around... it was very different from his stranger anxiety, and he got this HUGE pout and just started crying and clinging to M. As I held him, he kept trying to get back to M. We went out to eat after the airport, and he finally started acting like he knew me at that point, but it wasn't until bathtime that he started smiling at me. So there we were for our happy family reunion, and both A and I were in tears. **sigh**
While I was away, he voice changed. I can't explain it, but it's definitely different. He also looks a lot longer.
He now pulls himself up to standing, which made bathtime pretty tough last night! M also said that he can now sort of get himself up a step.
Despite my fears that A would wake for the day at 5:30, he's pretty much still on the same schedule as when I left. He woke a lot more times than he used to after 5, but he also went back to sleep after breakfast, which allowed me to sleep a little late, shower, and get on here.
Posted by
7:41 AM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Rocky Mountain National Park was incredible. It ended up being an hour long drive from the college to the park, but we had a great view on the way in. We started at the tree level and got some pictures--saw some birds and chipmunks (which were interested in food and came within inches), got back on the bus, and went up to the glacier area. The first stop wasn't that cool and I really didn't need my sweatshirt, but probably should have taken my windbreaker for the second stop! We had to climb through some snow (glad I wasn't one of the silly people wearing SANDALS) to get to a trail, which brought us to the top. I know I'm not in stellar shape, but was huffing and puffing due to the altitude. It was exhilarating, and I got some beautiful pictures. We then started to go home and were lucky to get another stop to watch the sun set behind the mountains. This is where I got some of my most beautiful shots of the day.
Today is my last day of grading, and I should be landing in NJ around 6 EST! WAHOO! I anticipate a frenzy today as we hurry to finish up!
On the A front, he has apparently taken a liking to one of Best Bud's stuffed animals, which he crawled around with all day yesterday, finally falling asleep on the floor with his head on it. Best Bud's mom sent me pictures on my cell phone and it was too darn cute. I miss my little guy (and my big guy too)!
Off to the frenzy of reform between Peter the Great and Catherine the Great. WOOOOOO
Posted by
8:52 AM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Toofer #2
M said that A's second tooth pooped through on Sunday. That one was a long time comin'! It's the OTHER bottom center tooth.
Since A has been having a little bit of formula, his little body seems to be having a hard time adjusting to the iron content in it. Poor little guy was feverish and complainy on Sunday night and Monday morning, but it sounds like the prunes I advised him to send to Best Bud's mom did the trick.
Speaking of which, she said that A and Best Bud play side by side, but not with each other. They pass toys back and forth but otherwise don't interact. How funny!
Tonight is the Rocky Mountain trip. HOORAY! The forecast as of yesterday was still for thunderstorms tonight but hopefully they won't happen or won't affect our trip.
Finally, I'm really enjoying this experience. Not only will it make me a much better AP teacher, should I teach it again one day, but I also think it's making me a much better teacher on the whole. I'm noticing gaps in my curriculum for World history, and I'm also getting a much better sense of how to grade essays (ironically, something I was never taught in either of my teacher education programs.) Hopefully, this will help convince my administrators to let me attend again next year (although I will also have to argue the benefits of giving my exams a week early as well......
Posted by
8:54 AM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Alley yoop
We have finished question 1!! Hooray! Tomorrow, we (my small group) begin grading question 2, which is about Russian history. Should be really interesting...
Today, A and M went to see Grandpa. His house has a step from the back room to the living room. Apparently, A was following a cat, and went down the step...face first. M said he didn't cry at all, or at least, not until he couldn't get back UP the step. So now the real babyproofing needs to begin! We also have a sunken family room, and hardwood floors in it. It's also an extra wide opening with brick on one side, both of which present challenges in finding a baby gate. I guess the hunt for that begins on Friday.
Posted by
6:16 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I somehow planned poorly (big surprise), and didn't leave enough milk behind. So A had his first formula since his first day home today. Apparently, he didn't even notice the difference. He and Daddy had a good day today, running errands and having fun.
I continue to have a good time, although it's really draining. I think I'm finally starting to adjust to the time change--I woke at 5:30 today rather than 3:30.
Although I am loving it here (what little I'm seeing, that is....), there are some things that are a little bothersome... I had to go to Safeway the other day for hand lotion and conditioner... I was a staticky mess. My nose is also acting really strange. I suppose this isn't unusual for high altitude, but yet another thing I wasn't expecting.
I am off to a lecture on World War I, so HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!
Posted by
7:31 PM
Friday, June 13, 2008
Eye strain
Wow, my eyes hurt... and it's only break one of the day! I just read a great essay from a student with terrible handwriting. Oh boy.
A had a good day yesterday... for the most part. He had a post breakfast "accident," which resulted in his getting a bath. After that, he was really good and it sounds as though he had a great time playing with the kids.
We "talked" on the phone last night before bed, and M said he was all smiles when he heard my voice. He didn't really babble as much as he did the other night.
So, things at home seem to be going well, and things here are good too. I can see the mountains from where I'm sitting and can do the same if I maneuver myself just right from my grading spot. I'm super excited to go to Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park next week!!
The food, not so great, but there's LOTS of it. I'm drinking a lot more coffee (and regular, too) because I can't seem to get my sleep schedule just right... I'm going to bed at 10 "here time" but still waking around 3:30.
Happy Friday the 13th!
Posted by
11:23 AM
Thursday, June 12, 2008
While Momma's away...
A will play!
Here I am, blogging from Colorado State University. A got to play with Grammi, Grampy, and Olivia yesterday, and he did well. He laughed at Olivia...maybe we'll be able to convince Daddy to get a dog yet! His eating schedule seems like it was off, but he was in good spirits overall.
Today, Daddy got him up and took him to Best Bud's house. Hopefully it went well!
My flight was good, although long (and window seats on long flights aren't so much fun, although I had a great view!), and sleeping in an extra long bed wasn't as bad as I anticipated.
Posted by
8:34 AM
Sunday, June 8, 2008
A teller at the bank yesterday exclaimed that, at only 10 months, A is already talking. She heard him say Dah-deeeeeee! (it's adorable, he puts the emphasis on the second syllable), and couldn't believe it.
I don't know if calling it talking is giving A more credit than he should get, but he does have some words that definitely go with certain things. For example, Dah-deeeee! is definitely for M. But Dada seems to be for either of us. Dutee seems to be Duckie.
I can't find the cord for our little camera, so video and pictures are way behind.
Posted by
7:46 AM
Friday, June 6, 2008
I'm leaving my little boy. For a week!! I know in my head that he'll be fine and I know I will be too, but it's overwhelming to think about right now. I am going to Colorado (for the first time!) to grade AP European History exams. It will definitely feel so good to wrap my head around some history for awhile and to look at some student work... I'm really excited about that part, which is a little surprising I must admit. It's daunting, though, to think about how on earth I'm going to find time to pump 3-4 times a day through all that. It's unnerving to think about living in a dorm in an extra long bed.
I'm also freaking about leaving instructions, making sure we have enough food, what's going to happen when we mess with A's sleeping schedule (he's going to have to leave the house with M at 5:30!!) and will he go back on track when I am home?
By now, you've probably figured me out for the huge worrywart I am, and this is no exception. I know in my head it will all be fine--even the pumping part!--but it's still something over which I fret.
I really hope this isn't a one time opportunity for me, though. My district has no let me participate in the past because "it is too close to finals."
Posted by
7:50 AM
10 month pictures
These didn't come out so great... I figured I would do it after his bath... but that just meant a super sleepy boy. And then we forgot to do it on 5/31, so here they are. They came out super cute anyway, with the way he progressed from bottle to the bear holding the bottle to the bear holding up A.
Posted by
7:40 AM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Three moms and a boy
We went to Picture People today as a mother's day gift for Grammi and Mom Mom. We got a lot of great shots, but here's a great one.
Posted by
3:39 PM